The ferrites offered here provide excellent suppression of energy from a broadband pulse, like that of an EMP. Select a size that will clip around your cable — too large is okay, but not too small. Looping the cable through the ferrite helps to further reduce the transient, see video below.
Ferrites are ceramic compounds that consist of a mixed oxide of iron and one or more other metals. They have long been used to protect sensitive electronic equipment from conductive transients. Ferrites offer a simple, but effective, way of protecting items that must remain plugged in, such as solar panels, charge controllers, generators, computers, or amateur radios. They can even be used on some automobile wiring. They are very simple to use. Simply click them around the cable feeding the sensitive item. That’s it!
Keep in mind that not all ferrites are equal, and certainly not all will protect from an EMP. With a PhD in electrical engineering, I was able to evaluate hundreds of potential ferrites, and the ones offered here are the best I could find anywhere! They meet these important criteria:
- Comes in various sizes to better fit cables
- Provides broadband protection, exceeding 1 GHz
- Offers the highest resistance to better suppress transients
- Snap-on for easy installation
- Reasonable cost
Please see the FAQs section to learn more about how ferrites work and how they are used.
Other recommended EMP Home Protection devices: